Top 10 Best SURVIVOR Players of All Time
Rank | Player | Season(s) |
1 | "Boston Rob"Mariano | Marquesas, Heroes Vs. Villains, and Redemption Island |
2 | Russell Hantz | Samoa, Heroes Vs. Villains, and Redemption Island |
3 | Rob Cesternino | Amazon, and All-stars |
4 | Parvati Shallow | Cook Islands, Micronesia, Heroes Vs. Villains |
5 | Ozzy Lusth | Cook Islands, Micronesia, and South Pacific |
6 | Sandra Diaz-Twine | Pearl Islands, and Heroes Vs Villains |
7 | John Cochran | Carmoan and South Pacific |
8 | Tony Vlachos | Cagayan |
9 | Yule Kwon | Cook Islands |
10 | Cirie Fields | Panama, Micronesia, and Heroes Vs Villains |
Click the link below to see a full list of all the contestants to ever play the game.
Full List of Contestants